June 15, 2015

MMSWe have been covering the story about “Miracle Mineral Solution” (MMS) for some considerable time, reporting on how extremely dangerous this product is. One of our guest writers, Emma Dalmayne, who has Aspeger’s syndrome and is the parent of children with autism, has been an active and vocal campaigner against MMS. In January she reported on Warnings ‘Miracle’ mineral chlorine dioxide may cause long term damage. In March Emma’s report, Jim Humbles Spirit of Health Conference appearance shrouded in mystery, highlighted that Jim Humble, ‘a self proclaimed curer of all ills’ had been targeting parents and carers of autistic children, claiming that administration of MMS through enemas and orally using purified water, will cure their children of Autism.’

Emma called for action within the UK, to have the substance banned as it has been done in Spain, Germany and Canada.

Last week an undercover investigation by the BBC in the UK, exposed Leon Edwards a “reverend” linked to the Genesis II Church who was filmed selling sodium chlorite and hydrochloric acid to a reporter, who had told that he was buying the substance for an autistic relative who was a child.

The BBC news report can be viewed below, which also features Emma Dalmayne.

Fiona O’Leary, who has also been actively campaigning against MMS in Ireland, and who is also the mother of two children with autism told the BBC:

“This has been offered as a cure for autism in 60 countries.

“What worries me is people normalising this treatment – it does not even warrant the word treatment, autism is not a ‘disease’ that you can ‘cure’ with bleach.

“We need legislation so that people offering it are always prosecuted, but we don’t see the authorities addressing this issue.”

Below you can view, MMS Exposed on BBC2 with Fiona O’Leary

On Friday June 12, a planned seminar to be held by the Genesis 11 Church, in Farnham Surrey, will be attended by Arch Bishop Mark Gennon and Jonathan Grennon, “both prominent members of the Genesis 11 Church,” Emma tells.

Emma further told us:
“Trading standards will be there in attendance. There needs to be legislation passed and measures put in place immediately to make it an arrestable offence if you are caught using this treatment on your child.”

We will keep you up to date with the latest findings in this horrific story.

About the author 

Jo Worgan

Jo Worgan is a published author, writer and blogger. She has a degree in English Literature. She writes about life with her youngest son who is on the autistic spectrum. Jo is also a freelance columnist for the Lancaster Guardian. ‘My Life with Tom, Living With Autism‘ is her second book and a culmination of her blog posts, and available on Kindle now, along with her first book, Life on the Spectrum. The Preschool years.


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