December 3, 2020 Daily Newscast recently ran a feature on BrainTrain UK a specialist centre dealing with Neurotherapy and Neurofeedback.

Neurofeedback was born with the concept of conditioning. Conditioning was the brainchild of Ivan Pavlov. During the 1890s the Russian physiologist was looking at salivation in dogs in response to being fed, when he noticed that his dogs would begin to salivate whenever he entered the room, even when he was not bringing them food.  At first this was something of a nuisance (not to mention messy!).

Pavlov found that there are a few functions that we do not need to learn, hunger being one of them, but that the brain would associate and could be trained to accept stimuli (like a bell ringing before food) to produce the same effect (salivation).

There is a wealth of information out there about Neurotherapy for autism and specifically ADHD, usually using a visual stimulus. The Jounal of neurotherapy online had a wealth of information and case studies of children who had benefited from Neurotherapy. Most of the work indicated that the relaxed brain worked optimally, and therefore it preferred to stay there. By giving rewards to the brain in form of visual stimuli, for performing without undue peaks in brain function. The brain remains relaxed for longer periods of time. It’s an interesting concept, and there is some evidence to suggest that it could make a big difference, especially with behaviour and socialisation.

Each child is different. One child may not be able to sit for vast amounts of time with electrodes attached to their scalp.

For more on this article, download April’s edition of ASDigest available on Itunes and Android

About the author 

Shân Ellis

Shân Ellis, is a qualified journalist with five years experience of writing features, blogging and working on a regional newspaper. Prior to working as a journalist, she was a ghost writer for top publishers and was closely involved in the editing and development of book series. Shân has a degree in the sciences, and 5 A levels. She lives in the UK and is the mother of an autistic child.

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