
Some of Our Contributors (Past and Present)

Roberta Hill, Publisher
Roberta Hill

Roberta Hill,

Roberta Hill is a Canadian who likes to write about her challenges running a virtual business and raising a family abroad.   She has been self employed for the past 25 years.  Her oldest step son is on the autism spectrum. Roberta was the original founder of ADN.



Shân Ellis, Editor
Shân Ellis

Shân Ellis,  Investigative Journalist (Archives)

Shân Ellis is a qualified journalist with five years experience of writing features, blogging and working on a regional newspaper. Prior to working as a journalist,  she was a ghost writer for top publishers and was closely involved in the editing and development of book series. Shân has a Masters degree in Creative writing and English Literature, a first degree in Cell Biology. She has a child on the Spectrum and had been diagnosed as well.


Jo Worgan
Jo Worgan

Jo Worgan, Writer and Interviewer (Archives)

Jo Worgan is a published author, writer and blogger. She writes about life with her youngest son who is on the autistic spectrum. Jo tweets (@MummyWorgan) and is also a freelance columnist for the Lancaster Guardian. ‘My Life with Tom, Living With Autism‘ is her second book and a culmination of her blog posts, and available  on Kindle now, along with her first book, Life on the Spectrum. The Preschool years.

Dr. Rachita Pradip Narsaria
Dr. Rachita Pradip Narsaria

Dr. Rachita Pradip Narsaria, Research Recap Staff Writer (Archives)

Dr. Narsaria is a M.D. doctor with extensive experience in contributing to research papers. In addition, she acts as a magazine editor for a college magazine. For the past 4 years, she has been a medical content writer from creating medical features for healthcare portals to creating the entire medical syllabus in a digitized format. She has contributed to numerous healthcare product descriptions for portals.


Paddy-Joe Moran

Paddy-Joe Moran, Voice on the Spectrum (Archives)

Paddy-Joe is a 20 year old with Asperger’s who has co written two books on the subject as well as working on translating news in to autism friendly writing and helping in autism training for people and business. He is the co-founder of ASK-PERGERS? a free advice service. You can follow Paddy- Joe on Facebook


Stella Waterhouse
Stella Waterhouse

Stella Waterhouse,  Resource and Exploring Autism Columnist(Archives)

Stella Waterhouse began researching autism in 1990 and is a published author of several books including  A Positive Approach to Autism. She is currently completing her forthcoming series The Autism Code. http://www.autismdecoded.com



Susan Dunne
Susan Dunne

Susan Dunne, Adults on the Spectrum Writer (Archives)

Susan Dunne has Aspergers and works with young autistic adults. She is the author of “A Pony in the Bedroom” (Jessica Kingsley 2015), an insider account of an autistic person’s relationship with horses. She lives in Yorkshire and has 4 horses and runs a pony therapy service.



Maymay, Film Critic and Reviewer (Archives)

Maymay,  a special girl with autism and her Berry best friend, began writing movie reviews as a way to improve her writing skills. She continues writing them because she loves it and wants to continue sharing her love of movies with the world.  Maymay’s favorite movie of all time is Titanic. All of her reviews can be found at: MayMay’s Movie Reviews.

Althea Estrella Violeta
Althea Estrella Violeta

Althea Estrella Violeta, News In Brief Reporter (Archives)

Althea lives in the Philippines where she has been writing articles, journals, reviews, and Op-Eds for nearly two decades. She is also a contributor for Poptard Magazine.



Dawn Marcotte
Dawn Marcotte

Dawn Marcotte, Special Interests Writer (Archives)

Dawn Marcotte is the CEO of WWW.ASD-DR.com, a website designed to help teens and young adults on the spectrum live to their highest potential.




Laurel Joss
Laurel Joss

Laurel Joss, Senior Journalist (Archives)

Laurel Joss is a freelance writer with a Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Education.  She worked as an RDI® Program Certified Consultant and has published articles in Autism Spectrum Quarterly and on her blog www.remediatingautism.blogspot.com.  She is a mother to two children, one of whom is on the autism spectrum.

Alix Strickland
Alix Strickland

Alix Strickland, Special Interests Writer (Archives)

Alix Strickland, BCaBA is an applied behavior specialist and founder and director of the Le Chemin ABA VB Learning Center for children with autism and other special needs in Paris, France. Her website is www.lecheminaba.com


Paul Whiteley Ph.D.
Paul Whiteley Ph.D.

Paul Whiteley Ph.D. Research Analyst (Archives)

Researcher based in North East England. An academic background in psychology with a special interest in developmental psychology focused specifically on the autism spectrum and related conditions. Postgraduate degrees based on research examining the safety and efficacy of a gluten- and casein-free (GFCF) diet applied to autism and the potential importance of various comorbidity to the health and wellbeing of those on the autism spectrum, with a continuing research interest in these areas. Keen blogger and amateur science writer (but no formal qualifications in these areas). Science is based on probability.


Janet Meydam
Janet Meydam

Janet Meydam, Health Staff Writer (Archives)

Janet Meydam holds a B.S. degree in Occupational Therapy from the University of Wisconsin – Madison and an M.S. degree in Occupational Therapy from Mount Mary College in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She has worked in healthcare and education settings for 25 years and writes about people who have disabilities.


Ariel Relaford
Ariel Relaford

Ariel Relaford,  Writer (Archives)

Ariel Relaford has a BA in English and is working toward her Masters in Business Administration with extensive experience in writing essays, articles, blogs, etc.  She was a Health Science major before switching over to her passion: English for her undergraduate work.   Having lived in various countries, she currently resides in the Eastern United States.

Ashley Isaacson
Ashley Isaacson

Ashley Isaacson, Special Interests Writer (Archives)

Ashley Isaacson writes fiction and journals about storytelling and faith. She’s excited to publish one of her novellas on her blog site before the end of the year. It was her close association with Learning Rx (a franchise training center that strengthens the cognitive abilities of students) that she became aware of autism.


Waqar Hassan
Waqar Hassan

Waqar Hassan,  Tech Review Staff Writer (Archives)

Waqar Hassan’s works as a freelance Blogger, Editor, Writer, Proofreader, SEO Writer, Technical Writer, social media expert, resume & cover letter writer. From Pakistan, Waqar truly takes pleasure in having the opportunity to let readers read through the whole blog or article they have in front of them and experience what he has to share.
