Paul Costello from Highworth, Swindon, UK, together with his wife Kathryn founded The Disability Book website in May 2012. The website shares information and links regarding disability support groups and organisations across the UK.
‘Our aim is to provide you and your family that are affected directly, or indirectly, with a disability a place that is free of charge and simple to use to obtain disability advice, be it for advice on bullying or schools, to holidays for disabled people and disabled dating, and a disability forum to get help from the Disability Book community.
This is a hub of disability advice intended to help you and anyone you know that has or does care for someone that lives with a disability.
Join us in raising awareness and make a difference through a positive mental attitude and SHARE Disability Book with others.’

Paul and Kathryn started the website after their son Louis, now 8 was diagnosed with ADHD and Autism. Paul exclusively told Autism Daily Newscast
“I started the website following years of denial that Louis had Autism and ADHD. My wife and I were told that he had his diagnosis and then we were told to go away and surf the net. I wanted to provide a website with a personal caring touch for other parent carers and the disabled themselves to gain from a community with a wealth of knowledge and not to be just a website. I sit here for hours hoping to offer a fast reply if I can.”
At present Paul and his wife are building up a resource page which shares local disability groups, websites and resources. Individuals and organisations are invited to upload their own information onto the site. As well as this there is also a steadily growing blog site which shares opinions and views from different aspects of the disability world. The blog can be found here.
Along with the website Paul also set up a Disability Book Facebook support group as well as connecting with people on twitter.

The site is continuing to grow in popularity and now Paul really wants to find like-minded people who can help him to further ‘grow the site’.
“I have created a website that could be of great benefit to many in the UK, but I need someone or a professional body to join ship. They don’t have to put money in but I am looking for expertise in marketing. I am trying to bring the disabled community of the UK together.”
Paul went on to further add,
“I just need help to make the website reach its potential!”
The vision that Paul has is to reach more people out there who have a disability or who care for someone with a disability.
Finally Autism Daily Newscast asked Paul about his vision for the future of The Disability Book.

“The future I believe could be big! I am passionate, caring and always looking for a new avenue. There are many people, businesses, schools and many more that I would like to reach. With someone willing to become involved and help market this wonderful website I believe it could help so many, from the disabled themselves to a much bigger audience.”
Click here to view a video of Paul talking about The Disability Book
The Disability Book website can be found at disabilitybook.co.uk
You can follow and join in the discussion on Facebook
You can also follow on twitter
If you feel that you could assist Paul in further developing the site please contact him at disabilitybook@gmail.com