by ADN

August 15, 2018

Optimized-Depositphotos_15189509_originalLate last week, Jerry Seinfeld stated that “I think, on a very drawn-out scale, I think I’m on the spectrum” when speaking to NBC’s Brian Williams on Thursday’s Nightly News. This admission may come as a complete surprise to Seinfeld fans, the entertainment industry, and even those who themselves are autistic. But in reality, and whether or not Seinfeld has been professionally diagnosed with autism, it is true that the autism spectrum is extremely broad – sometimes so broad that it goes unnoticed.

Seinfeld went on to describe his markers as

“never paying attention to the right things” and that “basic social engagement is really a struggle.” He continued, “I’m very literal. When people talk to me and they use expressions, sometimes I don’t know what they’re saying. But I don’t see it as dysfunctional. I just think of it as an alternate mindset.”

These are in fact markers of autism, but as Seinfeld notes, the spectrum is broad and unique to each individual.  After the strong reaction on both sides as reported here on Autism Daily Newscast, we decided to get the opinion of Dr. Michael Cameron. Below is a 10 minute part of that interview as it relates specifically to diagnoses of ASD.  The complete interview will be published in the next issue of ASDigest hitting news stands in a couple of weeks.

Be sure to listen around the 7.30 minute mark as Dr. Cameron talks about how research is discovering many new and better ways of servicing those on the spectrum.

“There are many kinds of autism.”


Michael J. Cameron

Dr. Michael J. Cameron, a Board Certified Behavior Analyst® (Charter Certificant 1-00-0010) is The Chief Clinical Officer for Pacific Child and Family Associates (PCFA) and experienced in the area of behavioral medicine, behavioral health assessment, intervention for diverse populations, and higher education. PCFA offers clinic based, in-home, and at-school services that include applied behavior analysis, parenting training and speech therapy for children and adults with autism and other developmental disabilities. To learn more, visit

About the author 


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