The blog of ‘amcherryfairy’ – Autism Daily Newscast recently stumbled across this heartwarming blog from a mum describing how her two young daughters, Bernadette and Roxaan, met with the actor Peter Capaldi, who plays the television character, Doctor Who. Her youngest daughter Roxaan 5, has autism and became very worried when the new actor took over the role from Matt Smith, as she was not sure that the new Doctor would want to continue to play games with her and go on adventures.
She tells of how on their holiday in Cardiff they had gone out to lunch and had found that Doctor Who was being filmed. She tells of how they had a chat with the film crew and that her daughters had photographs taken with members of the cast. She continues to say that they were told that Peter Capaldi was not due to film.
“We were told Peter was not coming down for filming. After telling the crew about Roxi and her games with Dr Who ( Matt ) and the worry she has about Peter. We were told to come back the next day.”
So they went back the next day and were allowed to sit at the side of the set. They then met Peter Capaldi.
“Even though Roxann wouldn’t look at them or talk…which is due to her autism. She took everything in that was being said to her by Peter. We spent about 10mins with them and I can not express how overjoyed and thankful I am to the crew for making both my daughters dreams come true.”
She then goes on to say how shocked she was to receive a text from her sister saying how their meeting with Doctor Who was trending over the internet.
She finally says:
“So this is the reason for me doing this blog so you all know nothing was planed it was sheer luck on our doctor who holiday to Cardiff which I’d been saving and saving for.”
You can read the blog post by amcherryfairy here and see her video below:
But Adama wasn’t the only one to capture the story on film. A clearer version with poorer sound quality has also surfaced on YouTube (below) and animated graphs have been showing up on Tumblr.