by ADN

April 23, 2018

Shanyang, China – Ma Zhiqui gave birth to twins Zhang Yuanjun and Zhang Hangjun 21 years ago.

Hangjun, who is the older of the twins, was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, while the younger twin, Yuanjun, was diagnosed with autism.

Shortly after her sons were born, Ma decided to quit her job— despite the fact that it was a well-paying job— so she could care for the twins.

The boys later on became obese as they struggled with their conditions, but somehow Ma managed to play the role of being the family’s breadwinner, as well as being the sole carer for the twins, at the same time. Ma told that her older son, Hanguin is unable to move around the house by himself.

“But luckily, Yuanjun is able to look after himself a bit more and is able to help me.”

She also adds that both of her boys are are beautiful and that she doesn’t regret regret anything.

Ma’s story was picked up by the local media after her son, Yuanjun, started being recognized as an award-winning singer.

Right now, all she hopes for is that her sons would be able to look after each other when she’s no longer around. Speaking about Yuanjun, she told:

“I have been teaching him how to look after his brother as I won’t live forever.

“I hope he will learn enough to be able to look after both himself and Hanguin.”

Source: Richard Wheatstone on the Mirror: Single mum’s loving struggle to raise obese and autistic twins wins the hearts of a nation

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