Rocky View Schools (RVS) Alberta, Canada– offer students who have Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) a transition-planning program that will help them with the transition to adulthood and into the wider community
RVS Lead Psychologist Chris Pawluk is quotes in the Rocky View Weekly:
“We need to help kids transition from one class to another and, when they are finished with us, into adulthood,”
RVS and the Ability Hub, located at the University of Calgary that aims to improve the quality of life and level of independence of adolescents and adults with ASD have developed the program.
Chris Pawluk said that if transitioning starts when a child is 18 then this is too late. The Launch Program is aimed at students aged 13 and over.
The Launch Program study provides concrete ways to develop a transition plan for students on the autistic spectrum. Participants will each receive a transition guide and they will be asked to evaluate this as part of the study.
In the article it says that according to the Ability Hub:
‘the transition consists of uncovering, developing and documenting the skills, challenges, goals and tasks that will be important for students when they enter the adult world.’
The program team consists of mental health experts and medical professionals who will assess and understand students individual skills and abilities. They can then help to determine career and vocational opportunities for the student and asses if any help is needed.
The clinical team will work with parents to develop an Individualized Transition Plan which will outlines goals, skills and development needs.
For more information on Ability Hub and the Launch Program you can visit the website here and then click on Launch Program
The original article by Allison Chorney in the Rocky View Weekly can be found here