Guam, Autism Community Together – ACT Board Member Leone Rohr and mother of two autistic children said the goal of ACT is to come together and help ease the challenges encountered by children with autism.
Rohr explained that when they say your child has autism you need to find support and information.
“I needed to educate myself and my family so we know how to work with it, how to deal with it and help our child.”
The proclamation signing at Adelup on March 31st 10:30 am will start Autism Awareness Month. This will be followed by the Autism Awareness Fair taking place on April 5th at the Agana Shopping Center from 10 am – 2 pm.
Rohr said,
“You will get to meet families of children with autism, you get to see displays of art and different talent. Some kids do cooking demonstrations, there’s poetry,singing and dancing. There’s outreach tables from different organizations who all come out to want to show their support and to let the community know what’s available.”
More information about ACT can be found on their website here
You can view the video ACT Invites the Public to Celebrate Autism Awareness Month here
The original article by Roselle Romanes on the Pacific News Center website can be read here