Many families will attest to the therapeutic benefits of having animals for their children ...
Alix Strickland
Alix Strickland, BCaBA is an applied behavior specialist and founder and director of the Le Chemin ABA VB Learning Center for children with autism and other special needs in Paris, France. She is known as the « Green Behavior Specialist » because she uses natural cleansers and organic foods at her center in addition to making a lot of her own DIY, upcycled therapy materials. She coaches families and professionals in using ABA and Verbal Behavior strategies in France and abroad. Her website is
Sasha and Duke Cry Worley, mom to Sasha who has autism and severe ADHD ...
The space you live in changes how you live, how happy you are and ...
Aquariums can be both soothing and educational for children on the autism spectrum. Designing, ...
Many parents of individuals on the autism spectrum wonder about the potential benefits of ...
We all know that sport and exercise is good for body, mind and soul, ...