November 29, 2018

SAWNAutism Network Scotland and Scottish Women with Autism Network present:Women, Girls and the Autism Spectrum: a Learning Event- Monday 27th April 2015

Bookings are now open for this all-day event at The University of Strathclyde, to book your place please click here.

This event will be an opportunity for practitioners and spectrum women to come together to exchange information and experiences.

Key themes will be: Diagnosis, Education and Wellbeing, with presentations and interactive sessions on each topic. Discussions will be focussed on good practice in terms of what already exists, what should exist, and how these can be taken forwards in order to make a positive difference.

ANSIf you have any questions or suggestions regarding this event, or have any problems with the booking process, then please send them an email.

A programme and any additional information will be sent out closer to the date, if you would like easy read versions of these materials then please state this when you book a place.

About the author 

Press Release

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Autism Network Scotland and Scottish Women with Autism
