SpecialNeedsWare, LLC, a New York-based software development firm established to improve and enrich the lives of those with special needs through modern technology, creators of the AutisMate app have released a free demo version of its iPad app for adults and children with autism called AutisMate LITE.
AutisMate LITE gives users a taste of AutisMate, an app that was developed to help those with learning and development limitations. This app fosters learning through its extensive, customizable, and simple to use Smart Scenes technology. AutisMate’s Smart Scenes technology features a traditional grid-display sentence builder with customizable visual scenes and stories, schedules, and video modeling into one app. The app can be highly personalized to allow users to use images and videos from an environment the individual with autism is familiar, such as their home, school or at the job. Through incorporating familiar environments into the app, the individuals using it are more easily able to understand, comprehend and learn communication, socialization, behavior, and life skills. This is what makes AutisMate a progressive and comprehensive app that can be used from childhood into adulthood.
The new demo app, AutisMate LITE has many of the features available on the original app, AutisMate, which is currently priced at $149. The features the demo app currently include are: One customizable visual scene with unlimited visual schedules, stories, and video modeling within the scene; One customizable visual schedule that includes sequencing and task analysis; Up to ten customizable grid-based sentence building buttons; 100 easy-to-understand symbols (SymbolStix) used to construct sentences; Access to AutisMate’s in-app support and video tutorials.
The full version of AutisMate, however, features added benefits of a content library, content-sharing, IVONA text-to-speech voices, and global-positioning-system (GPS) capabilities.
The $149 AutisMate app and its and free demo, AutisMate LITE, are available on the iTunes App Store, solely for the iPad. iPhone and Android versions of the apps are in the process of being created.
For more information visit the AutisMate Facebook Page.